Our Story & Our Vision


Our Story

Luna + Grace LLC was created in January 2020 after creatrix, Christina “Luna” Knight strongly felt she needed to follow her two passions of crystal healing energy with her love of creating with her hands and fusing them together into the beautiful art of wire wrapping.

Christina Luna is a certified master reiki practitioner as well as a certified crystal healing reiki practicer. She also has 17+ years of background in photography, graphic design, customer service, and writing. She is also an equine lover , gentle horsewoman, and equine energy healer and has a strong passion for supporting horses in need of rehabilitation and special care. 

After having her daughter in 2018, Christina Luna decided the corporate life was no longer where she needed to be. Her creative and healing gifts were going to waste serving an industry she did not feel passionate about and she also strongly felt called to be home with her, at the time, newborn daughter to give her the best life possible. So she decided to quit her corporate career and follow her higher self’s guidance to do what she was meant to do, which was to be a mother, first and foremost, be a healer, be an artist, and of course, be an inspiring small business owner!

Since deciding to “be” all those things, Christina Luna vowed that she would make her business more than “just” a business. She would make her art a pathway to healing, encouraging all who wore or used a piece from her handcrafted and curated collections to remember their own inner strength and worth.

Luna + Grace is a brand and not just your average collection of crystals or jewelry. Wearing or using a Luna + Grace piece reminds us all that we are not perfect, nor do we have to be. We are complete and whole and beautiful. We are deserving of love and abundance and a joy filled life. We are worthy of receiving grace each and every day.

As Christina Luna continues to grow and expand her business, she shares this journey with her daughter, Lily Grace (also co-owner of the brand) and husband, Philip. She hopes to inspire her daughter and instill the values of hard work and ambition into her so that one day she can choose to create her own future and make her own path, as Christina Luna has.

Christina Luna also hopes to inspire many other women, especially moms and especially those with small businesses! We are living in an era where women are finding their voice and power and we must celebrate that by supporting this rising up of sisters!

it is also her mission to give back as much as she can, so she has vowed to make that a priority by giving back a portion of her yearly sales to some of her favorite equine rescues and rehabilitation centers, like TLC Sanctuary, All Seated At The Barn, Sweet Mercies Rescue Ranch, and others. 

We hope that you enjoy your unique pieces and products that we have specially crafted for you. Each piece is reiki infused and handmade with loving energy. You can truly feel the #Lunamagic every time you hold, wear, or use your Luna + Grace products!

Thank you for choosing to support our small business and our vision to make a difference in the lives of many - humans and animals! We truly appreciate you!

- the Luna + Grace Team




Behind the Scenes of Our Products

Interested in learning about our crafting process. Here is a quick run down!


  • Each stone used in our craft is hand selected by Christina Luna and mostly purchased from local crystal shops all across Arizona. Anything sourced outside of Arizona is carefully vetted for superior quality!
  • Christina Luna uniquely and intuitively crafts each design from scratch. Just as no two snowflakes are a like, no two Luna + Grace wire wrap designs are also not alike. This is what makes our brand incredibly unique as each piece is crafted based on the weaving of the stone’s energy as well as Christina Luna’s own creative design.
  • Collections for weekly drops are hand selected by Christina Luna and curated each week depending on the collective’s energies and what Christina Luna feels is needed for all to benefit from.
  • Christina Luna cleanses, blesses, and reiki charged each piece, before the packaging process begins and is sent to its new home.
  • Each package is carefully prepared with care instructions, a small guide to using crystals, some sage for extra cleansing, and a small extra goodie to say “thank you for shopping small with us!”
  • As soon as you receive your Luna + Grace package, you will notice the #lunamagic that is placed with intention. If you love your piece, we do encourage you to leave us a review on our Facebook business page or on our Google shopping page.






What is Reiki? 

Mikao Usui developed reiki in the early 1900s, deriving the term from the Japanese words rei, meaning “universal,” and ki, which refers to the vital life force energy that flows through all living things.


Reiki is a gentle healing technique in which a reiki practitioner guides healing energy into the receiver’s body or into an object that can hold energy (like crystals) in order to promote the natural flow of energy through the body and/or energy field.


Reiki can help facilitate the natural healing ability of the body (or crystal) and promotes a feeling of rest, balance, and harmony.


Reiki is a holistic healing modality, meaning that it works on the totality of our being. Our physical body, our mental body, our emotional body, our energy body, and our spiritual body.


We choose to incorporate the extra step of reiki charging our products because we believe in the value of sharing reiki energy and allowing our crystals to be a conduit of it’s amazing benefits.